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深化周边联防 共建“平安谢洋”/柯荣辉

作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-23 03:26:59  浏览:8833   来源:法律资料网
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深化周边联防 共建“平安谢洋”

         柯荣辉  林书设

谢洋乡地处大田县南部,东邻吴山乡,西连漳平市象湖镇、吾祠乡,南界永春县一都镇,东北紧靠石牌镇,是泉州、龙岩、三明三地区结合部。全乡面积115.13平方公里,12个行政村,62个自然村, 88 个村民小组,1799户7856人。但由于所处的特殊地理位置,决定了周边治安环境异常重要,解决好周边地区矛盾纠纷排查工作是谢洋乡社会治安综合治理工作的“重头戏”。前些年周边纠纷和冲突时有发生。近年来,谢洋乡高度重视社会稳定工作,在建设“平安谢洋”的活动中,更是把维护周边的安定稳定作为乡经济社会发展的前提条件和基础性工作,摆上党委、政府的重要议事日程。党政领导班子成员形成了“平安促经济、平安促发展、平安促文明”的共识,保持高度的政治敏锐性,履行维护社会稳定工作的职责,深化周边联防,认真做好矛盾纠纷排查调处工作,坚持从人民群众利益出发,把解决涉及人民群众切身利益的实际问题作为排查调处矛盾纠纷的重点,坚持“预防为主、教育疏导、依法处理、防止激化”的原则,努力把矛盾纠纷化解在基层,化解在萌芽状态。实现了区域平安共建,经济发展联动的良好局面。
一是违法犯罪活动明显减少,在开展建设“平安谢洋”以来,派出所共受理刑事案件1起(盗窃案件),查处治安案件6起。其中故意损坏公私财物案件1起,“六合彩”赌博案件1起,偷窃案件1起,违反爆炸物品管理规定案件3起。打击处理违法犯罪人员20人,及时有效地打击了辖区的违法犯罪活动,维护了社会的稳定。二是深化联防联调,实现经济互动。在抓好周边治安联防联调协作的基础上,努力使“联防”工作向经济建设协作方向发展,有力地推动周边地区经济繁荣发展。通过周边联防联调工作,不仅能实现社会稳定,也促进地区间经济互动。如通过引进永春一个客商投资1300万元,在仕福村建立的永源水电站,今年年初已实现投产发电;永春另一个客商也正是通过珍山村与一都的交流中获悉珍山有丰富的毛竹资源,在珍山创办了一家竹香厂,使谢洋乡毛竹销量增加40万根;和春的林永镁等种茶户,也是通过到邻近的安溪县打工,学回技术回家种植茶叶,现已带领村民种植茶叶300多亩; 还有仕福岩头铅锌矿在永春一老板投资开采下,已初具规模;而南安瑞兴果林有限公司到坑口水库搞立体养殖项目,是全县第一家引进县外资金开发农业综合的项目。实现了资金进谢洋、信息进谢洋、技术进谢洋,有力推动了谢洋乡新一轮创业。三是营造良好的旅游环境,增加旅游收入。通过在坑口村开展“优化旅游环境,创建‘平安谢洋’”活动,在不断完善象山景区公路、综合服务楼等基础设施建设的同时,实现旅游环境的优化,提高象山景区的休闲旅游质量,增加第三产业收入,在今年的“五一”期间,象山就实现旅游收入五万多元。四是全面达到“平安乡镇”标准,努力实现“五个明显提高、五个明显下降、五个有效遏制、五个有效防止”的目标。五是实现周边稳定,防范能力增强。通过不断完善周边联防联调协作会工作机制,健全周边联防体系,实现了全乡边界半年来的零纠纷,零犯罪案件目标,周边生产生活环境稳定,人民群众安居乐业。通过不断完善两个防范体系建设,逐步架起了群防群治工作网络,形成了“打防控一体化”的治安防范网络,有效增强了防范能力。

作者单位:福建省大田县谢洋乡党委书记 县委政法委办公室主任

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Chapter Ⅲ
Initiation of Panel Procedures


Section One Role of Consultations: Art. 4
I The Importance of Consultations
II Issues Concerning the “adequacy” of Consultations
Section Two Establishment of Panels: Art. 6.2
I Introduction
II Indication of Consultations Process
III Identification of “the specific measures at issue”
IV Provision of “a brief summary of the legal basis of the complaint”
V Concluding Remarks
Section Three Terms of Reference of Panels: Art. 7
I Introduction
II Effect of Consultations on Terms of Reference of Panels
III The “matter referred to the DSB”
Section Four The Mandate of Compliance Panels: Art. 21.5
I Introduction
II Clarification of “measures taken to comply”
III Perspective of Review under Art.21.5
IV Examination of the New Measure in Its Totality and in Its Application
Section Five Third Party Rights : Art. 10
I Introduction
II Generic Third Party Rights: Interpretation of Art. 10.3
III Extended Third Party Rights: Exercise of Panels’ Discretion
IV Summary and Conclusions

Section One
Role of Consultations: Art. 4

The procedures for consultations under the WTO, significantly different from the procedures for good offices, conciliation or mediation as prescribed in Art. 5 of the DSU which remains voluntary options if the parties to the dispute so agree, remains a mandatory first step in the dispute settlement process as embodied with text of Art. 4 of the DSU. However, as to be shown below, there is something to be clarified so as to understand appropriately the role of consultations under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism.

I The Importance of Consultations
The practice of GATT contracting parties in regularly holding consultations is testimony to the important role of consultations in dispute settlement. Art. 4.1 of the DSU recognizes this practice and further provides that: “Members affirm their resolve to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of the consultation procedures employed by Members.” A number of reports made by panels or by the Appellate Body under the WTO have recognized the value of consultations within the dispute settlement process.
As noted by a panel, Members’ duty to consult concerns a matter with utmost seriousness: “Compliance with the fundamental obligation of WTO Members to enter into consultations where a request is made under the DSU is vital to the operation of the dispute settlement system. Article 4.2 of the DSU provides that ‘[e]ach Member undertakes to accord sympathetic consideration to and afford adequate opportunity for consultation regarding any representations made by another Member concerning measures affecting the operation of any covered agreement taken within the territory of the former’. Moreover, pursuant to Article 4.6 of the DSU, consultations are ‘without prejudice to the rights of any Member in any further proceedings’. In our view, these provisions make clear that Members' duty to consult is absolute, and is not susceptible to the prior imposition of any terms and conditions by a Member.” 1
Another panel addresses the essence of consultations, and they rule there that: “Indeed, in our view, the very essence of consultations is to enable the parties gather correct and relevant information, for purposes of assisting them in arriving at a mutually agreed solution, or failing which, to assist them in presenting accurate information to the panel.”2
The Appellate Body confirms panels’ rulings in this respect. For example, the Appellate Body stresses those benefits afforded by consultations to the dispute settlement system in Mexico-HFCS(DS132)(21.5)as: “[…] Through consultations, parties exchange information, assess the strengths and weaknesses of their respective cases, narrow the scope of the differences between them and, in many cases, reach a mutually agreed solution in accordance with the explicit preference expressed in Article 3.7 of the DSU. Moreover, even where no such agreed solution is reached, consultations provide the parties an opportunity to define and delimit the scope of the dispute between them. Clearly, consultations afford many benefits to complaining and responding parties, as well as to third parties and to the dispute settlement system as a whole.”3

II Issues Concerning the “adequacy” of Consultations
As noted above, the procedures for consultations remain a mandatory first step in the dispute settlement process under the WTO. However, does it mean that there is a requirement for the adequacy of consultations before initiating a panel proceeding?
With regard to this issue, on the one hand, the Panel on Alcoholic Beverages (DS75/DS84) finds that, “the WTO jurisprudence so far has not recognized any concept of ‘adequacy’ of consultations”, the Panel Report reads in pertinent part:4
“In our view, the WTO jurisprudence so far has not recognized any concept of ‘adequacy’ of consultations. The only requirement under the DSU is that consultations were in fact held, or were at least requested, and that a period of sixty days has elapsed from the time consultations were requested to the time a request for a panel was made. What takes place in those consultations is not the concern of a panel. The point was put clearly by the Panel in Bananas III, where it was stated:
‘Consultations are […] a matter reserved for the parties. The DSB is not involved; no panel is involved; and the consultations are held in the absence of the Secretariat. While a mutually agreed solution is to be preferred, in some cases it is not possible for parties to agree upon one. In those cases, it is our view that the function of a panel is only to ascertain that the consultations, if required, were in fact held. […]’
